The story of Lacrosse begins as an expression of human experience, where spiritual belief and magic are entwined into the very fabric of the game. To understand the true origins of Lacrosse, one must enter a world where everything contains a spirit; animals, plants, earth, stones, as well as trees and water. The game was much more than just an athletic sport - it was a highly ceremonial event with deep-rooted spiritual significance to the community, spectators, and players. Every aspect of early games had a spiritual significance. Fields were adjoined near rivers or streams to facilitate "cleanings rituals", and laid out east to west to orient towards the path of the sun. Players observed fasts, only drinking special potions from the Medicine Men. Sticks and equipment were doctored to remove bad spirits. Medicine Man led prayers and adorned players with ointments and salves to give them strength.


Legendary tales acknowledge lacrosse to be a gift from the spirit to the Indians. Oral stories passed through generations has it that in ancient times, the Great Spirit came among them in dreams and gave them the knowledge and skill of playing. The Great Spirit came with lacrosse stick and ball in hand and told them that the game belonged to them and taught them how to play. Numerous tribes recount the origin of Lacrosse as a gift from the Great Spirit. Recipients of the message from the Great Spirit felt obligated to play and sponsor games of Lacrosse. From these moments on, games were organized to coincide with a religious holiday or timed to honor the Great Spirit, honor a deceased player, heal the sick or bring about fine weather.

The entire affair of Lacrosse symbolizes a spiritual ritual to honor, heal, and celebrate individuals and communities. For this reason, lacrosse is often referred to as the Medicine Game. According to early Indian communities, “In times of sickness, the medicine people would prepare themselves and call upon the life forces of Mother Earth to assist in relieving sickness. The right medicines would appear, be chosen, and then prepared. To improve the power of the medicines a lacrosse game would be requested.” This healing has been described as a medicine game. The Medicine Game played a paramount role in Indian communities serving a primary means to bring about change and togetherness amongst themselves.

Present day, Lacrosse is more than a sport and a game of physical endurance. It's "The Medicine Game" which has a very unique and sacred history that's deep and intrinsic to its beginnings. Although this passage professes that lacrosse has healing qualities, it is often ignored as being outdated or irrelevant to our current time period. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Lacrosse is a gift from the creator, a ‘medicine’ used to drive away sickness and create positive energy. It is a sport that teaches athletes the value of community and teamwork, of working together for the greater good. Lacrosse, and sport in general, provides youth an opportunity to release tension and stress and replace negative energy with the positive benefits of participating in a team sport that has such an important place in Indigenous culture.

Many communities have a much deeper connection with the game of lacrosse and are aware of its deep cultural importance. In this sense, lacrosse is a unique game and its depth and breadth go beyond simply competing. One of the most renown qualities of the game of lacrosse is its healing qualities. Lacrosse in this way has become an outlet of expression. It's played because its fun, and in doing so, players learn unique aspects about themselves that may not be learned elsewhere. Lacrosse is a medicine game because in many ways, it heals us. Our mind, body and spirit is nourished when we run, throw, and play. Our lives are enriched when we form bonds with our team, coach, friends and community through The Medicine Game.